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7 Simple, Balanced Breakfast Ideas for Kids (and the Whole Family)

7 Simple, Balanced Breakfast Ideas for Kids (and the Whole Family)

I know getting a healthy breakfast on the table in a reasonable amount of time can be tough, especially if you have places to go and people to see…..which isn’t the case so much right now because it’s the year 2020 and COVID-19 is still keeping us socially distant.  But whether you are rushing out the door or not, you still have to get the day going and breakfast should be a priority. 

Getting a healthy breakfast on the table can be easier with some planning and prep work. It doesn’t have to be fancy-schmancy to be a balanced, nutritious meal.  You will see many quick, minimal cooking ideas below. I’ve also become a huge fan of making extra to freeze when I do cook so future mornings are a breeze!  A quicker breakfast equals less stressed parents, a well-fed child, and a happy start to the day! 

Why is breakfast important for kids?

Eating a well-balanced breakfast will help your child perform better academically in school and physically on the playground or in sports.  It improves their mood, behavior, concentration, memory recall, and hand-eye coordination. We need breakfast to literally break the fast that our body enters while we sleep and to jump-start our metabolism to keep up with our increased energy needs during the day.  Breakfast is also the time to get in key nutrients for adequate growth and development.  These are the reasons why a healthy, well-balanced breakfast is essential for kiddos especially. 

Basics to Creating A Well Balanced Breakfast
  • Aim to include a serving of whole grains, protein, a fruit or vegetable, and milk/milk product (or milk alternative).   


  • A source of healthy fat is good to include as well to help sustain your child until their next scheduled eating time.  Fat as well as fiber and protein are all nutrients that slow digestion and help keep us feeling satisfied for a longer period of time. (So this should mean that they’re not feeling like they need a snack 30 minutes after breakfast).  


  • Keep the added sugar down.


  • Also, try to mix it up from day to day or week to week to avoid boredom with the same food and to provide a variety of nutrients.  

7+ Simple Healthy Breakfast Ideas to Try

1.  Oats

Oats are a whole grain with many nutritional benefits and can be prepared so many different ways.  They’re a good source of soluble fiber, which is beneficial for gut health.  They also provide protein, healthy fats, iron, selenium, vitamin B1, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and copper. In addition, oats contain polyphenols that provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. If that’s not enough reason to incorporate oats into your morning routine, let me point out that they are delicious!


Oats come in a variety of options such as rolled oats (or “old fashioned”), instant oats (or quick-cooking), and steel-cut. They are all nutritious options.  Instant oats are the easiest to digest, so this is a good option to use with older babies.   


Here are some ideas on how to offer oats and make it a meal:

    • Classic hot oatmeal. Try the following mix-ins: 
      • Fresh fruit such as berries, banana, chopped apple or unsweetened applesauce
      • Dried fruit like raisins or dried apricot (unsweetened)
      • Almond butter or another nut/seed butter of your choice 
      • Chopped nuts such as walnuts or pecans (if age-appropriate) 
      • Chia, flax or pumpkin seeds
      • Milk of choice 
      • Cinnamon
      • I also love a dollop of greek vanilla yogurt on top

To make it more fun, set up an “oatmeal bar”.  Put out all the toppings and let everyone choose what they want. So fun!  

    • Overnight oats
      • I love overnight oats because you can prepare them the night before and you have a super quick and healthy breakfast ready to eat in the morning.
      • You can find a million recipes for overnight oats as they have become quite trendy, but a basic recipe is the following:
        • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
        • 1/4 cup yogurt of choice
        • 1/2 cup milk of choice
      • Optional add-ins: nut butter, berries, banana, chia seeds, flax seeds, cocoa powder, vanilla powder, cinnamon or raisins
      • Add ingredients to a mason jar, stir or shake them up, place in the fridge overnight, and voila! Breakfast is served.
      • These oats are eaten cold, which is really nice in the warmer months.
    • Oatmeal Blender Pancakes
      • You’ll need a little more time for these so maybe a weekend breakfast for the working folks, but these pancakes are a great way to offer oats to your child if they’re still warming up to the idea of cooked oatmeal.  They’re also perfect for older babies and toddlers because they’re soft and easy for little hands to pick up. But I love them, too!  I also love that there is no added sugar in most of these recipes (especially for those under 2-years-old).  They’re only sweetened naturally with fruit!  I top them with a little butter and additional cinnamon and serve with a side of fruit, chopped nuts, and milk. I also recommend making extra and freezing since they do take a little time and mess to make.  Then you have a quick and easy breakfast for the mornings to come (hooray)!  To warm them up from frozen, just pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds on each side. Make sure they have cooled to an appropriate temperature before serving.
2.  Eggs

Eggs are such an easy and nutritious breakfast, and the options are endless.  Add a side of whole wheat toast and a fruit or vegetable and you have a balanced meal! Try sliced avocado, fresh fruit, sauteed veggies or easier- leftover vegetables from the night before. Leftover roasted potatoes are also a great side. 


Ideas for Eggs: 
    • Scrambled egg with cheese – a classic 
      • If you have an adventurous eater, add any chopped veggie you desire 
      • Change it up with fresh salsa and black beans 
      • Add extra flavor with garlic and onion powder
    • Omelet with veggies and cheese of choice
    • Hard-boiled egg 
    • Scrambled egg tacos or fajitas (you could make a taco bar- fun!)
    • Mini egg muffins or egg casserole- these are great to make extra and freeze for future breakfasts or any other meal for that matter. Your future self will thank you ;). Some of my go-to egg bake recipes:
      • For babies and toddlers, I love the frittata bites recipes in this cookbook – Baby & Toddler On the Go. Recipes include spinach and cheese; Mexican chicken and jack; ham, tomato and swiss; asparagus and mozzarella; and cherry tomato and feta frittata bites. She also includes frittata pasta bites which are delicious and great for lunch or dinner!  
3.  Whole Wheat Waffles
    • My go-to store-bought options are Kashi 7 Grain Waffles, Kashi Blueberry Waffles, and Vans Organic Waffles Original.  Both brands have gluten-free options, as well.
    • For homemade whole wheat waffles, check out this recipe by Super Healthy Kids 
    • Make it a meal:
      • Top with nut/seed butter and chia seeds + fruit and milk on the side
      • Top with butter, hard-boiled or fried egg + fruit and milk on the side
      • Use in place of bread for an egg sandwich 
      • Pair with greek yogurt and fresh berries 
      • Pair with turkey or chicken sausage and fresh fruit
4.  Avocado Toast

This is a very lax recipe and makes 2 pieces of toast.


  • Whole wheat bread, 2 slices 
  • Avocado, 1 
  • Chia seeds to sprinkle 
  • Juice of a lemon (optional) 


  1. Mash avocado with a fork or masher 
  2. Mix in a squirt of lemon juice and a sprinkle of chia seeds
  3. Toast whole wheat bread 
  4. Spread toast with avocado mixture and top with additional chia seeds (or “chia sprinkles”) 
  5. To make it even fancier (and to add protein and iron), add a fried egg or a sliced hard boil egg on top or on the side! A fresh tomato slice and feta cheese crumbles would be delicious as well.
5.  Peanut Butter Toast
    • Spread nut/seed butter of choice on toasted whole wheat bread, bagel, or English muffin – easy peasy! 
    • Balance it out with fruit and a serving of milk or yogurt
      • Sliced banana or berries go great on top 
      • Or you can try this quick (no added sugar) raspberry jam: mash raspberries, mix with some chia seeds and spread on top 
6.  Whole Grain Cereal with Milk and Fruit 

Let’s be honest- sometimes (or a lot of the time) it has to be as simple as cereal and milk, and that’s okay!  Cereal is A-OK in my book. It’s an enjoyable, nutritious meal, especially when paired with milk and fruit.  But there are more nutritious options than others of course.  The cereal aisle can be tricky to navigate to find options that aren’t loaded with sugar, but still taste good. In my upcoming post, I will provide tips on choosing cereal and a list of my favorites because we are cereal fans over here!  For children under 4, check the size of the cereal piece to make sure it’s not a choking hazard.  For little little ones, you can soak cereal like cheerios in milk so it’s softer to chew.

7. Breakfast Smoothie

Smoothies are kind of awesome in that they are easy to make, you can use many combinations of different foods, you can throw veggies in that you don’t even taste (if you’re not a big veggie fan), and you can drink them on-the-go.  There’s also just something fun about them!  


Some things to think about when making a breakfast smoothie: 

  • Make sure it has enough in it to qualify as a complete meal.
    • Some recipes just have milk, fruit, and ice. That’s not going to fill anyone up for very long. To make it a meal, add some protein and fat such as nut butter. Oats go well in smoothies and add good quality carbohydrates and fiber. Chia seeds go great as well. Avocado will add some healthy fat and make it creamier.   
  • Aim for:
    • A combo of fruit and/or veggies like banana, berries, pineapple, zucchini, spinach or avocado 
    • Milk and/or Greek yogurt
    • A protein/iron source like nut butter or chia seeds
    • And oats (rolled or instant oats) 
  • If your child prefers a simpler fruit smoothie (like milk, banana and frozen berries), no bigger. Just have something on the side like a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter.

Chocolate for breakfast anyone?  Here you go…


Family-friendly breakfast ideas

These meal ideas are great for the whole family to enjoy which makes it easier for you.  Try not to be a short-order cook in the morning to cater to everyone’s preferences.  Our kids need to learn to like different foods and be able to make do with what is offered.  Of course, you can make alterations to fit their feeding skills, dietary needs, and preferences.  But, for the most part, it can be the same meal. In my next post, I will give you some more ideas and tips for older babies and young toddlers since they do have some unique nutrition needs.  But again, these meals are great for the whole family.  Enjoy!  


If you’re struggling to get your child to eat, check out my post on “12 Tips to Tackle Picky Eating.” 

I would love to hear what your healthy go-to breakfast recipes are! Please share in the comment section below.

**Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. All the opinions are my own and I only recommend products that I use in my own home with my own family.


“Oats.” Oats | The Whole Grains Council, wholegrainscouncil.org/grain/oats.

“Overnight Oats 101:” Infogram, infogram.com/overnight-oats-101.

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